Friday, 13 April 2012

Oracle BPEL Correlation


In BPEL correlation uses the impressive properties to assign global names to relevant data that is used for correlation message and to define aliases through which we specify the location of such data is present in messages.

The correlated messages are exchanged between business partners which can be defined by two roles
The first role partner that sends the first message which is invocation operation is initiator and it defines the values of the properties in the correlation set. 

The second role partner is followers and get the property values for their correlation sets from incoming messages.

The messages can be related to one or more correlation sets.

We can use correlation sets in invoke, receive, replay, onMessage
When you use the correlation with the receive activity we have to set the initiate to yes

When you use the correlation with the invoke activity and when the operation invoked is a request /response operation, we must specify the pattern attribute to indicate the direction in which the correlation applies. The request value specifies that the correlation applies to outbound messages, response to inbound, and request-response to both messages.

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